for November, 2015
A Poem & A Painting: Queen of the Day
Nov 30 2015 ·0My dear friend Sandy Welch creates the most endearing lamb paintings. Lambs are certainly an enchanting subject. Inspired in part by Sandy, I’ve tried my hand at lamb paintings. I adore how this one I painted earlier this year, With A Fleece As White As Snow, turned out. This week’s lamb painting is a bit more whimsical with a touch of glam with her gold gilt crown. I just love the sentiment behind this week’s poem (quote) as well. I can just imagine what this Queen of the Day is thinking…
Original Art Giveaway on Instagram!
Nov 27 2015 ·0I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving. Today I am excited to announce my very first giveaway! That’s right I’m giving away one of my original paintings. My assistant convinced me this would be a fun idea so I’m going for it :-).
This is the painting that is up for grabs:
A Poem & A Painting: A New Dress Series
Nov 23 2015 ·0For this week’s painting I’m sharing a new dress painting. I’ve been experimenting with a slightly more ‘sophisticated’ style of dress for this series. The moody background, increased texture of the bodice and paint drips all represent me pushing my boundaries and trying something new. I’d love to hear what you think…
Webster Art Project at Webster & Co., Boston
Nov 19 2015 ·0“You may own the best gadgets, the coolest fashions, and the swiftest cars, but the next generation’s hipper iterations have already been imagined. When all else is replaced, repaired, expired, or obsolete only your paintings will remain and will say the most about who you are and what you value. “
~Questroyal Fine Art, LLC
Last week I attended the opening reception for this year’s Webster Art Project at the Webster & Co. Showroom located at the Boston Design Center. David Webster along with Marni Kaufman Katz (freelance writer/editor of Boston magazine) curated artwork by New England artists to display in the showroom. Not only do these vignettes beautifully showcase art pieces in real room settings, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of these works goes to support the Massachusetts College of Art & Design Scholarship Fund. What a genius concept!
A Poem & A Painting: A Donut With Kelley
Nov 16 2015 ·0I am taking a painting class with the ever so talented Kelley MacDonald, a dear friend and amazing artist. Donuts are one of Kelley’s signature subjects and it was fun (and somewhat challenging) to paint in her style. This painting of mine was done during an exercise in which we counted our brush strokes. The first effort was a 75 stroke donut, and then what is this week’s painting~ a 150 stroke donut.
The Art of Tuscany
Nov 11 2015 ·0Italy is an Artist’s Paradise and the Tuscany region in particular is replete with outstanding works of art, both modern and classic. Art is everywhere in this region, and when I visited in September I was on sensory overload ~ between the architecture, the views of quilt-like vineyards, and the museum art my heart was a flutter.
Come take a peek at some of the varied and beautiful art I encountered during my September trip…
A Poem & A Painting: Autumn Bouquet
Nov 09 2015 ·0Over Halloween weekend I was fortunate to be able to spend a wonderful weekend in Nantucket with equally wonderful friends. Our hostess, my dear friend Sandy, once again opened her home to us and showered us with her hospitality. She had the most stunning Autumnal arrangement and I was inspired to paint a watercolor interpretation of it as a token of my thanks. I continue to travel with my watercolors and love how easy they are to use whenever the moods strikes.
Stop The Madness
Nov 02 2015 ·0Instead of my usual Monday ‘A Poem & A Painting’ post, today I’m sharing my work for the latest Girls Just Wanna Paint challenge. As you may know, the Girls Just Wanna Paint group (GJWP) is comprised of several “local woman artists who challenge themselves each month with an object or idea that they incorporate into a painting. We post the paintings on the first day of every month, and invite your comments. We meet the first week of every month, to view each others’ work in person, enjoy some great food and wine, and decide what the next month’s subject will be.”