for March, 2015
Posh Presentation Panel: Cape Cod Global Living Room
Mar 31 2015 ·0It has been quite a while since I last posted a Presentation Board and I do love creating them for my clients. One of my latest projects, on Cape Cod, is for a career woman who has traveled the world. I am enjoying our collaboration because she has a colorful, artistic, and global style that is translating into a comfortable but outstanding design.
A Poem & A Painting: Reflections of Spring
Mar 30 2015 ·0Spring is trying to make its way into the Boston area ~ though it did snow again this weekend! That snow has melted and slowly, so slowly, the earth and the new growth of the season is being revealed…
Caught My Eye, Vol. 46
Mar 27 2015 ·2Here are a few of the things that Caught My Eye this week…
Emily’s Colorful Custom Bridal Shower
Mar 26 2015 ·2After months of planning, this weekend it was finally time for Emily’s Bridal Shower! On Sunday, the bridesmaids, the Brother of Honor and I hosted the festive gathering. I am so excited to share the details of this lovely occasion!
Throughout the planning process, I have been so creatively energized with custom ideas to make the day extra special. I was thrilled to see these ideas come to life for the shower.
It all started with the invitation. I feel the invitation really sets the stage for the event. For Emily’s shower invitation I hand painted the design with watercolors and then added one of my favorite quotes.
A Poem & A Painting: Sparkle
Mar 23 2015 ·1The sun is shining and though it is very cold (20 degrees in March?!), the light is beautiful as it sparkles off the snow. That imagery is the basis for this week’s poem…
Caught My Eye: Gorgeous Green
Mar 20 2015 ·0For this week’s Caught My Eye feature I’m mixing it up and trying something new. I’ve picked a theme and finds that encompass five categories: Tile, Texture, Fashion, Art, and Wallpaper. It’s a bit of a hybrid between my regular Caught My Eye posts and an older blog feature, Pamela’s Posh Picks. With St. Patrick’s Day and the first day of Spring this week, Gorgeous Green is a perfect theme. Come take a peek at what Caught My Eye…
South Shore Art Center: Forever & After
Mar 19 2015 ·1Thou know’st ‘tis common; all that lives must die,
Passing through nature to eternity.
—William Shakespeare (Hamlet. 1.2.72–73)
I recently visited an amazing art show at the South Shore Art Center’s Bancroft Gallery entitled Forever & After. As the above quote selected by curator Bill Houser alludes to, the show’s themes revolve around the subjects of mortality, death, loss, mourning, monument, and commemoration.
“Sculpture has been used to commemorate and honor the dead since before the Egyptians built the pyramids, to ensure immortality for the spirits of those buried within. The essence of Forever & After is the exploration of the ubiquitous and prophetic themes of loss, commemoration, and belief in spirit with its uncertain evolution or transcendence, through the medium of contemporary sculpture.”
-Bill Houser, Curator
I adore mixed media artwork and this exhibit features pieces created with a wide variety of materials including reclaimed wood, doors, newspaper, and even a typewriter. Here’s a peek at a few of the pieces from the show…
A Poem & A Painting: Wedding Dress
Mar 16 2015 ·0Emily has her second wedding dress fitting this week and I am in full preparation for her Bridal Shower next Sunday. The shower has been so much fun to plan with lots of custom details that I will share very soon. In the meantime, what could be more appropriate than a love poem and a painting of a wedding dress?
Caught My Eye, Vol. 45
Mar 13 2015 ·0Here are a few of the things that Caught My Eye this week…
Ready for Spring
Mar 11 2015 ·0Venturing to Philly last week and attending the Philadelphia Flower Show served to treat me to a tantalizing preview of Spring with all its luscious color and beautiful blooms. Now that I’m home the only color I seem to see when I look out the window is white ~ still. Winter can’t hold on forever though, even in New England. It might even hit 60 degrees today ~ wahoo! I went searching my Pinterest boards for over-the-top colorful inspiration and my Goldilocks Would Love To Sit Here board did not disappoint. Come take a peek…
Shades of Gray
Mar 10 2015 ·0In my continuing efforts to improve my painting skills, I am taking a Drawing Class with Judy Rossman at the South Shore Art Center. Judy is an outstanding teacher with a very academic approach that is helping me draw objects with more confidence. Instead of a painting this week, I thought I would share one of our “homework” assignments which involved drawing and shading…
Caught My Eye, Volume 44
Mar 06 2015 ·0Here are a few of the things that Caught My Eye this week..
Philadelphia Flower Show, Part 2
Mar 05 2015 ·0{Read about Part 1 of my visit to the Philadelphia Flower Show here}
Continuing on with our visit to the 2015 Philadelphia Flower Show, I adored this next category. The challenge was to create a piece of jewelry from organic materials (Things found in your yard? Not in my backyard!).
My friend Sarah Boynton, representing the Hingham Garden Club, made this piece…it was magnificent!
The Philadelphia Flower Show, Part 1
Mar 04 2015 ·0For Christmas, my daughter Emily gifted me with a trip to Philadelphia to visit the world famous Philadelphia Flower Show. This past weekend it was finally time to go!
A Poem & A Painting: With A Fleece As White As Snow
Mar 02 2015 ·0Once again we woke up to Monday morning snow here. They say that Spring is 18 days away ~ it can’t come soon enough! What could be more appropriate than a poem & a painting with a snow theme…