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A Poem & A Painting: Empty Nest
Apr 20 2015 ·0As Emily’s wedding to Nick approaches, I’m finding myself very reflective (and teary on occasion if I’m being honest) of the time I’ve spent so far being her mother. Time seems to be flying and it’s hard to believe that the wedding is less than three weeks away! It does seem like just yesterday that I was holding her in my arms…

A Poem & A Painting: Girl With The Flower Headpiece
Apr 06 2015 ·0This week’s painting was inspired by one of the Will Cotton photos I posted last week. Remember this?

A Poem & A Painting: Reflections of Spring
Mar 30 2015 ·0Spring is trying to make its way into the Boston area ~ though it did snow again this weekend! That snow has melted and slowly, so slowly, the earth and the new growth of the season is being revealed…

A Poem & A Painting: Wedding Dress
Mar 16 2015 ·0Emily has her second wedding dress fitting this week and I am in full preparation for her Bridal Shower next Sunday. The shower has been so much fun to plan with lots of custom details that I will share very soon. In the meantime, what could be more appropriate than a love poem and a painting of a wedding dress?

A Poem & A Painting: Let It Snow
Jan 26 2015 ·0There’s nothing like a major blizzard to let me know I’m not in Las Vegas anymore! After the whirlwind that was BlogTour Vegas, being forced by Mother Nature to slow down and cozy up isn’t such a bad thing…as long as we don’t lose power. How could I not chose a ‘snowy’ poem for this week’s post…

A Poem & A Painting: Drawing Class
Jan 12 2015 ·0This winter I am taking a Drawing Class to help improve my paintings. This class is very structured and revolves around learning how to draw the four shapes on which everything in our environment is based. This is a much different way of thinking and planning my paintings than I am used to and the learning curve may be much steeper than I realized! This quote sums up my feelings on learning to draw perfectly…

A Poem & A Painting: Crowned Bird No. 1
Oct 27 2014 ·0This week’s painting was inspired by none other than dish ware! I purchased four dessert plates and the next thing I know I am painting the birds and gilding their crowns! Indeed, this is the first in a series of paintings.
I loved this snippet from the Carl Sandburg poem Purple Martins and thought it went well with the painting…

A Poem & A Painting: October
Oct 20 2014 ·0Waking up to today’s crisp, cool temperatures, there is definitely more than a “hint” of Fall in the air! This week’s poem is an excerpt from October a poem by Caroline Spencer…

A Poem & A Painting: Empty Nest
Oct 06 2014 ·0Today’s painting is an especially personal one. Empty Nest Studio is the name of my painting studio and serves as a visual representation of my home after my two “birds”, Emily and Freddy, have spread their wings and flown on their own…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 17, Pink Shoe with Fleurs
Sep 17 2014 ·1Who says a wedding shoe has to be white??

A Poem & A Painting: Lobster Dinner
Aug 19 2014 ·0I’d hoped to have a new painting ready to post today, but sometimes life gets in the way. Instead I am reposting a painting from last Summer ~ because really, nothing says Summer in New England like a Lobster Dinner!
I found this charming haiku that I think is just perfect for this week’s painting…

A Poem & A Painting: Rose Tree
Aug 04 2014 ·0This month’s Girls Just Wanna Paint challenge was Tree. It had me stumped for a while (hehe), but as I was perusing my inspiration file I came across a photo of a girl with a floral crown. I loved the ‘Rose Tree’ upon her head and I was off and painting. I love this poem and I think it the perfect complement for my lovely fashionista with a rose crown. What do you think?…

A Poem & A Painting: Umbrellas at the Tides Inn
Jul 21 2014 ·0I just returned from the BEST vacation with my family! Re-entry back into the “real world” is hard, but I am feeling so blessed and thankful for our time together at Goose Rocks Beach in Maine. Today’s painting is fresh off the easel, painted this morning, and the poem is one I’ve always loved.
Feeling appreciative for Summer, family, and life…

A Poem & A Painting: Pretty
Jul 07 2014 ·0
A Poem & A Painting: The Countess’ Chandelier
May 27 2014 ·0
A Poem & A Painting: St. Mark’s in the Rain
May 05 2014 ·0
A Poem & A Painting: Italian Dreams
Apr 18 2014 ·0
A Poem & A Painting: Open Toes, Happy Feet
Mar 31 2014 ·0Today’s poem was written by my daughter Emily when she was 10 years old. She was sent to her room to clean her closet ~ I guess she was always meant to be a writer!

A Poem & A Painting: Flower Market
Mar 24 2014 ·0