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30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 3, Kisses in Pink
Jan 03 2016 ·0I am officially all caught up with the latest 30 Paintings in 30 Days January 2015 Challenge, phew! Here is my painting for Day 3…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 2, Pink Nest
Jan 03 2016 ·0Catching up! Here is my painting for Day 2 of Leslie Saeta’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge…

Pink Nest by Pamela Copeman

A Poem & A Painting: New Year’s Light
Dec 28 2015 ·0It’s hard to believe there are only a few days remaining in 2015. It has been an eventful year to say the least! This week’s painting is an “oldie but a goodie” featuring one of my favorite subjects: chandeliers. Wishing you light, love, health and happiness as we head into the New Year…

A Poem & A Painting: Queen of the Day
Nov 30 2015 ·0My dear friend Sandy Welch creates the most endearing lamb paintings. Lambs are certainly an enchanting subject. Inspired in part by Sandy, I’ve tried my hand at lamb paintings. I adore how this one I painted earlier this year, With A Fleece As White As Snow, turned out. This week’s lamb painting is a bit more whimsical with a touch of glam with her gold gilt crown. I just love the sentiment behind this week’s poem (quote) as well. I can just imagine what this Queen of the Day is thinking…

A Poem & A Painting: A New Dress Series
Nov 23 2015 ·0For this week’s painting I’m sharing a new dress painting. I’ve been experimenting with a slightly more ‘sophisticated’ style of dress for this series. The moody background, increased texture of the bodice and paint drips all represent me pushing my boundaries and trying something new. I’d love to hear what you think…

A Poem & A Painting: Take A Seat
Oct 26 2015 ·0This week’s painting is one of the first interiors I painted in Franny Andahazy‘s class. Franny is a friend and a talented artist and designer. l learn so much whenever I work with her! As you can imagine, I love painting interiors and I thought this poem (quote) was an appropriate sentiment…

A Poem & A Painting: A Crowned Bird
Oct 19 2015 ·0I had such a wonderful day at the Hingham Arts Walk yesterday! Many thanks to White Magdelena House for hosting me and to everyone that came by to visit and purchase my artwork ~ it means so much to me! If you didn’t have a chance to stop by or you aren’t local, no worries, I will have artwork for sale online that is perfect for holiday giving. My 6″x 6″ oil paintings are $125 and will be featured on my website and on my Instagram. You can always contact me about a custom painting or visit my Shop to order a special Nest painting. Onto this week’s poem…

A Poem & A Painting: Carolann’s Antique Bottles
Oct 12 2015 ·1This week’s poem and painting have an antique flair. I painted a still life of antique bottles and thought this poem was a nice accompaniment…

A Painting & A Poem: Pink Pillow
Sep 21 2015 ·0This week’s artwork was created for one of my interior designer friends, Linda Holt. My inspiration was a photo of Pierre Frey’s Paris apartment that Veronika Miller of Modenus posted on her Facebook page. Ah, Paris…

A Poem & A Painting: Tuscany
Sep 14 2015 ·0This week’s painting is actually a watercolor sketch in preparation for a trip to Tuscany next week.
And here is a quote that I have found to be true over the years during my visits to Italy…

A Poem & A Painting: An Apple For Teacher
Sep 08 2015 ·0While Labor Day may mark the unofficial end to Summer, it certainly doesn’t feel like it around here. The temperatures are forecast to be in the 90s today ~ we are in the midst of a New England heat wave! Despite the heat, there are signs that Fall is on the way, the biggest of which is that school is back in session. I have so much gratitude for the many fine teachers who helped guide my children over the years.

A Poem & A Painting: Gina’s Empty Nest
Aug 31 2015 ·0Today’s painting is one that I did for my dear friend Gina. As of today she is officially an “empty nester” for the first time with both her son and daughter at their respective colleges. Such a bittersweet time for us moms, watching our children spread their wings…

A Poem & A Painting: Mise En Place, Les Oeufs
Aug 24 2015 ·0I am off on a mini girls getaway ~ a few days on Nantucket with dear friends is a wonderful way to celebrate the all to quickly fading days of Summer. As I’ve been doing on most of my trips this Summer, I’ll be taking along my watercolors and brushes. Before I packed up my supplies, I did some experimenting with watercolor still life paintings. While I’m not much of a cook or a baker, I enjoyed creating and painting this scene featuring eggs, a wooden spoon and a mixing bowl. Oh the possibilities!
Instead of sharing a poem this week I thought I’d share two recipes featuring eggs ~ one savory and one sweet. Enjoy!

A Poem & A Painting: Fog
Aug 03 2015 ·1This Summer it seems I’ve been on the go quite a bit. It’s been the perfect time to explore watercolors because they are so portable…

A Poem & A Painting: Watercolor Peaches
Jul 20 2015 ·0I am back from yet another wonderful, whirlwind trip. This time I went to Seattle to meet my son Freddy who is in the midst of a cross-country odyssey. We spent a great few days together, what a treat! I’m sure I’ll have more to share about my time in Seattle, but for today a better-late-than-never poem and painting…

A Poem & A Painting: Watercolor Cantaloupe
Jul 14 2015 ·0Here in the Northeast in the Summer we thrive on fresh fruit and its delicious flavor ~ it just doesn’t taste the same in the winter! Fresh melon, cantaloupe to be exact, inspired this week’s painting and poem…

A Poem & A Painting: Watercolor Nest
Jun 22 2015 ·0The Summer is already a wonderful whirlwind with amazing sunsets, parties on the terrace, beach walks and fabulous clients. All of this activity added to the fact that my assistant is in the midst of moving, means the blog updates have been fewer. We do have some great posts planned including Wedding details and a colorful photo shoot at a client’s home. In the meantime, please follow me on Instagram for “up-to-the-minute” updates!
Today I do have a painting to share. I am taking a watercolor class so I will be able to paint when I travel. It is difficult because with some colors once they are on paper they are permanent ~ eek not great for a girl that makes mistakes and is used to the forgiveness of oil paint!

A Poem & A Painting: Mixed Media Empty Nest
Jun 15 2015 ·0I’m trying something a bit different with this week’s painting. I’ve incorporated mixed media in my latest nest…

A Painting & A Poem: Kate At The Beach
May 18 2015 ·0In honor of my mini getaway to Florida with my sister Kate, I thought I’d repost a watercolor painting I did of her at the beach several Summers ago. We always have the best time together, but especially when we’re at the beach!

A Poem & A Painting: The Dress
May 04 2015 ·0The final countdown is here! In 6 days until my little girl Emily and her fiancé Nick say I Do!
I knew this day would come, was coming, but I am still feeling very sentimental about this giant step. Emily will become a wife and and at some point, a mother. She will have other people relying on her and there will be a new dynamic in our family…and yet will there be? After all, she’ll always be my little girl and I’ll always be her Mom. I am so excited to welcome Nick and his family into ours. He makes my sweet girl so happy and brings so much joy to her life. He is a great friend to my son Freddy and to me.