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A Poem & A Painting: Orange Tulips
Jan 23 2017 ·0When Monday starts off rainy and dreary with more to come, there’s nothing like a cheerful painting to brighten my spirits. Today’s painting is an “oldie but a goodie”. This image has me dreaming of Spring and sun drenched tulips…

A Poem & A Painting: Cozy Corner
Nov 14 2016 ·0Slowly but surely my home is coming together after being turned upside down thanks to unplanned renovations due to water damage. I have been working hard (thank goodness for my dear friend and installer Paul!) and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week ~ fingers crossed, I think I’ll be ready to welcome guests into my home!

A Poem & A Painting: Rose Flower Crown
Aug 08 2016 ·0I enjoyed a delightful string of days vacationing on Nantucket last week. There’s nothing like spending quality time with dear friends you’ve had for years! Since I returned I’ve made time to be in my studio, painting. I do so enjoy the process and the challenge. In fact, I’m thinking about participating in another Leslie Saeta 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge starting on September 1st. I’ve completed several of Leslie’s “30 in 30” painting challenges, including one in January of this year. If I do decide to sign up, I always like to pick a theme for my 30 paintings. Past themes have included Interiors and Colors. I am considering “Faces” for the September challenge. And on that note, this week’s painting & poem (or quote as the case may be…)

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 29, Belly Up To The Bar, Boys
Jan 29 2016 ·0This painting was inspired by a recent cover of Design New England magazine. I was drawn to the striking orange seats (of course)…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 27, Silver Bowl
Jan 27 2016 ·0I’m in the homestretch of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge. Phew! Today’s painting is another still life…

A Poem & A Painting: Kaleidoscope Eyes
Jan 25 2016 ·0This is the final week of my January painting challenge and as I’ve been exploring the color wheel with my paintings, this poem, Kaleidoscope Eyes, truly struck a chord with me. I hope you enjoy it as well…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 20, Orange Chevron
Jan 22 2016 ·0Playing catch up with the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge ~ that’s what wrist surgery will do for you! I’m on the mend now though and looking forward to finishing strong. This painting is the last in my Orange series ~ of course it had to be an Interior!

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 21, Yellow Apples
Jan 21 2016 ·0I’m still in recovery mode from wrist surgery so today’s painting is an “oldie but goodie”…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 15, Loafers In Orange
Jan 15 2016 ·0I am halfway done with the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge ~ woo-hoo!

Fearless Color, Part 2: The Family Room
Sep 16 2015 ·0The Color Party Continues! Last week I shared the Living Room space in this fabulous home. Today I present the Family Room. The Family Room is adjacent to, but separate from, the Living Room and open to the Kitchen (which I’ll be showing you soon). All the spaces co-exist nicely but each one has it’s own personality. Come take a peek…

A Poem & A Painting: Open Toes, Happy Feet
Mar 31 2014 ·0Today’s poem was written by my daughter Emily when she was 10 years old. She was sent to her room to clean her closet ~ I guess she was always meant to be a writer!

Pamela’s Posh Picks: Black & White…and Orange
Oct 25 2013 ·0With Halloween coming up, this week’s Posh Picks are inspired by the festive colors of this spooky season ~ Black & White and of course, Orange!
Contemporary chic Black & White Living Room:

Posh Palettes Inspiration Board: Spring
Mar 27 2012 ·0“Oh Spring! I want to go out and feel you and get inspiration.”
~Emily Carr
Last week in the Boston area we enjoyed record breaking warmth. Temperatures topped 70 degrees and sunny cerulean blue skies were the norm for 5 days in a row. I felt like I was on vacation! Now the forsythia are blooming next to the daffodils and crocuses, and it is just splendid.
All of this warmth coupled with the afterglow of Alexa Hampton’s lecture and her amazing project boards inspired me to create a vibrant Spring Inspiration Board for some of my personal projects…
I was inspired by my current favorite color ORANGE~ which as you may recall just so happens to be the Pantone color of the year. Similar to my Presentation Panels for clients, I love to use texture, color, appeal to all of the senses. On this board, the scent of suntan lotion transports me right to the beach, a beach photo recalls memories of younger days, and a bright lipstick brings to mind salty, smudged kisses…
I love woven wood blinds any time of the year but particularly in the Spring and Summertime. Consider installing these versatile window coverings on a porch to shield you just enough from the direct sunshine and then easily roll them up when you want to admire the full view~
Ahhhh, the romance of a toile. Always a classic but so much more cheeky in orange and magenta, don’t you think?
The changing of the seasons invites you to take out all your colorful clothing and accessories. It seems that subliminally I tend to purchase clothes to match my interiors… I wouldn’t want to clash would I??
Just between us, it’s not really subliminal ;-).
The next time you want to approach a design project, why not put together an inspirational board for yourself? It’s so much fun and you just might surprise yourself with some unique textures and color combinations that you adore…
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