“oil painting”
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A Painting & A Poem: Apple Pie Tonight?
Jan 30 2017 ·0I am still floating in bliss thanks to a heavenly weekend spent in Philadelphia with Emily, Nick, & the star of my heart, Daisy! Not waking up to Daisy’s beautiful face this morning was difficult but painting class with Diane Panarelli Miller helped ease the blow. It was great to be back with such a skillful and gifted teacher. Painting apples today had me dreaming of apple pie…

A Poem & A Painting: Orange Tulips
Jan 23 2017 ·0When Monday starts off rainy and dreary with more to come, there’s nothing like a cheerful painting to brighten my spirits. Today’s painting is an “oldie but a goodie”. This image has me dreaming of Spring and sun drenched tulips…

A Poem & A Painting: Dreaming Of Flowers, Always
Jan 16 2017 ·1You may recognize this week’s painting, I posted an “in progress” shot back in November. It usually doesn’t take me over 2 months to complete a painting but with design work, home renovations, the holidays and my BlogTour KBIS trip, this one took quite a while(!). I was thrilled to be able to spend time in my studio this weekend finishing it up. This is a larger canvas and I’m thrilled with how it turned out…

A Poem & A Painting: Des Marionettes
Oct 03 2016 ·0It was a gray and rainy weekend in New England. Luckily we are in need of the rain and I was in need of some downtime for catching up on paperwork, painting, and getting ready for my Art Show at the Boston Design Center this Thursday(!).
This week’s painting was created for the October Girls Just Wanna Paint challenge of Stripes. Once again, I love how everyone interprets the theme ~ take a peek for yourself at this month’s entries here.

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Days 10-18
Sep 20 2016 ·0Time for an update to the #30paintingsin30days challenge that I am participating in for September. I’ve been posting each daily painting on my art account on Instagram (@pamelacopemanart). You can catch up by searching the hashtag #PCA30in30September2016. You can also check out each day’s entries for all of the artists who are participating in the challenge on Leslie Saeta’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days blog. This 2nd collage includes the paintings from Days 10-18 of this challenge…

A Poem & A Painting: Milk Pitcher
May 16 2016 ·0I continue to work on my painting skills in my latest class. We have painted quite a few still life compositions and I am becoming more comfortable working on a larger canvas. I love the soft colors paired with the bold brushstrokes in this week’s painting. This week’s poem attempts to capture that contrast as well. What do you think?

A Poem & A Painting: Blue Bathing Beauty
Apr 19 2016 ·0Even though Spring has barely begun, I’m already dreaming of beach days. Maybe this is because I’m fortunate to have an ocean view out my window ~ or maybe just because I love Summer so much. Either way, this week’s painting is full of retro glam and ready to lounge under a striped umbrella sipping a fruity cocktail!
This week’s poem (excerpt) is from a 17th century English poet…

A Painting & A Poem: Christmas Lights
Apr 11 2016 ·0Although the calendar says Spring, this week’s painting is a throwback to Winter. Considering that we had several inches of snow just last week, I think it’s fitting. I love decorating my chandelier with silver and gold ornaments around the holidays. I can’t resist the sparkle and glam! I love the way the light reflects and brightens everything.

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Reflections
Feb 01 2016 ·5I am so proud to say I have completed the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge for the 3rd time!

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 30(!), Daily Magic
Jan 30 2016 ·030 Paintings in 30 Days is always a challenge because “life” happens: wrist surgery, a hospitalized Mom, and design deadlines to name a few of this month’s “life” events. That being said, it gave me joy (and perhaps increased discipline) to paint everyday. I truly feel that the only way to improve at anything is to practice!
A still life make-up table painting is the finale to this current 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 28, Reappearance Cardinal
Jan 28 2016 ·0This bird may or may not look familiar…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 26, Baby Shoes
Jan 26 2016 ·0I am so happy to share that my baby girl Emily is having her own baby girl in June! Congratulations Em & Nick!

30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 25: Goldilocks Etude Chair
Jan 25 2016 ·0I just love painting furniture, hmmmm, I wonder why? This painting was inspired by Kravet’s Etude chair. Isn’t it exquisite? I’m sure Goldilocks would love to sit here…

A Poem & A Painting: Kaleidoscope Eyes
Jan 25 2016 ·0This is the final week of my January painting challenge and as I’ve been exploring the color wheel with my paintings, this poem, Kaleidoscope Eyes, truly struck a chord with me. I hope you enjoy it as well…

30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 24: Apple Green Pears
Jan 24 2016 ·0Can you guess my color theme for the final group of paintings?…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 23, Technicolor Nest
Jan 24 2016 ·0I’m still having a bit of difficulty painting due to my wrist surgery but I am determined to create 30 Paintings in 30 Days. Only 7 Days to go! Please let me know what you think so far and if there’s anything special you’d like to see me paint…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 20, Orange Chevron
Jan 22 2016 ·0Playing catch up with the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge ~ that’s what wrist surgery will do for you! I’m on the mend now though and looking forward to finishing strong. This painting is the last in my Orange series ~ of course it had to be an Interior!

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 22, Red Scarf
Jan 22 2016 ·0I’m still up in the air about the color theme for my last 10 paintings. What would you like to see? I’d love to hear! In the meantime…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 19, Orange Lips
Jan 19 2016 ·0What is it about girls and flower crowns…

A Poem & A Painting: Day 18, Met Ball Orange
Jan 18 2016 ·0I am so taken with the fashion at the Met Ball every year that I was inspired to paint Rihanna’s beautiful gown. I am not sure it translates as well without her radiant face and miles long leg but I love it nonetheless…