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A Poem & A Painting: A Daisy Crown for Daisy
Aug 01 2016 ·0This week’s painting is a special one ~ perhaps you can tell from the title. The latest challenge for Girls Just Wanna Paint was Daisies. It was so sweet of these artist to pick something near and dear to my heart. I am so thankful for their prayers, love and support! I chose to do a Daisy crown. When I was a girl, my Mom made made me a crown out of Lily of the Valley for my birthday. When I wore it I felt regal. I carried on this tradition by making dandelion crowns for my Em (we had an abundance of them in our grass..). Now I am blessed to be able to make Daisy crowns for
my granddaughter Daisy.

Stop The Madness
Nov 02 2015 ·0Instead of my usual Monday ‘A Poem & A Painting’ post, today I’m sharing my work for the latest Girls Just Wanna Paint challenge. As you may know, the Girls Just Wanna Paint group (GJWP) is comprised of several “local woman artists who challenge themselves each month with an object or idea that they incorporate into a painting. We post the paintings on the first day of every month, and invite your comments. We meet the first week of every month, to view each others’ work in person, enjoy some great food and wine, and decide what the next month’s subject will be.”

A Painting & A Poem: Apple Still Life
Oct 05 2015 ·0This week’s painting is one that was created for this month’s Girl’s Just Wanna Paint challenge: “Paint Like A Famous Artist”. Can you guess in whose style I painted?

A Poem & A Painting: Rose Tree
Aug 04 2014 ·0This month’s Girls Just Wanna Paint challenge was Tree. It had me stumped for a while (hehe), but as I was perusing my inspiration file I came across a photo of a girl with a floral crown. I loved the ‘Rose Tree’ upon her head and I was off and painting. I love this poem and I think it the perfect complement for my lovely fashionista with a rose crown. What do you think?…