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30 Paintings in 30 Days: September Edition
Sep 04 2014 ·0Once again I am participating in Leslie Saeta’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge. Leslie’s Painting Challenge attracts artists from all over the world. In fact for this go around, there are 1,008 artists from 25 countries participating! I previously participated in January, when I completed 30(ish) Paintings over the course of the month (those paintings can be viewed here).

Caught My Eye…
Feb 26 2014 ·0Here are a few fabulous things that Caught My Eye this week on the World Wide Web…

A Poem & A Painting: Three Little Kisses
Feb 10 2014 ·0This week brings us Valentine’s Day. Such a sweet and magnificent Holiday ~ truly my favorite!
Seriously, can you imagine that there is a day set aside for Love? I just adore the idea that on this day anyone has the opportunity to tell a friend, a child (small or large), a lover, a husband or wife, or a special someone that you care for them, that you couldn’t live without them, and that your life is better because they are in it.

30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge: Wrapping Up & Looking Ahead
Jan 31 2014 ·1What a way to jump start the year artistically: attempting to paint 30 Paintings in 30 Days!
I have been listening to Leslie Saeta and her podcasts on Artists Helping Artists for well over a year now. I have long been intrigued by the concept of her 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge. Prior to each new Challenge, Leslie shares an outline on how to prepare for the month. Her plan includes the obvious:

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 30!!
Jan 30 2014 ·0This painting is based on a Ralph Lauren ad campaign that I loved this past Fall. I can’t believe this is my last painting for the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge! Whew!
Tomorrow I will post my thoughts as I reflect back on this experience and also collage of all my works (if I can figure out how to do that!).

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 29
Jan 29 2014 ·0I loved painting this piece. Maybe because the composition is more detailed, maybe because of the colors or maybe because I can visualize myself in this chair breathing in the fragrance of the fleurs sipping a glass of champagne….

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 28
Jan 28 2014 ·0On one hand, I love the crowded furniture in this scene.
On the other hand, I am not thrilled with the figure. Thank goodness I am taking a figure painting class!
I also decided to add an abstract version of this painting. My question to you, “to abstract or not to abstract?”…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 27
Jan 27 2014 ·0Ah, I love this modern chair, looking like it’s relaxing in the sunlight. Sometimes I feel my furniture has a personality…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 26
Jan 26 2014 ·0Eric, do you recognize this painting? Yes, it is based on the beautiful photograph you took at one of my projects (hint: Tremont St.). I adored painting it! The reflection in the mirror was fun…hope you like it!

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 23
Jan 23 2014 ·0“I can paint a sofa in 30 strokes in 30 minutes”
Well, almost! I was in a bit of a rush today ~ drove to Portland, Maine and back ~ whew! This painting was indeed an exercise in getting the strokes down and the values….I hope I got it!

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 22
Jan 22 2014 ·0I love light fixtures, some might say it is a fetish! I even have a chandelier in my closet, doesn’t everyone? Not surprisingly, I also adore painting them. This one is very loose, I hope you like as much as I do…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 21
Jan 21 2014 ·0Day 21 is in just under the wire, snowstorm and all!…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 20
Jan 20 2014 ·0This bed is perfect for this special pup, don’t you think? Most especially the chandelier, what every posh pup deserves…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 19
Jan 19 2014 ·0
30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 16
Jan 16 2014 ·0This is a 30 minute painting today. I used another Christopher Guy design as my inspiration and added gold leaf underneath the painting. I love the sheen, do you?

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 15
Jan 15 2014 ·0Wednesday is always a tough middle-of-the-week day for me. It seems I’m constantly running a bit behind and yet the end of the work week is still quite a ways off. In order to give myself a little bit of a respite, I opted for a truly petite painting of my favorite piece of furniture: the chair.

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 14
Jan 14 2014 ·2Please forgive the glare on this photo, I finished after dark so I couldn’t shoot it in daylight (which makes a big difference ). I found this painting to be very meditative which I needed today…all good!

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 13
Jan 13 2014 ·0Voila, day 13 and I’m barely standing! I loved this photo which I took from a magazine. It is a very full design with books and jars and pillows and all kinds of decorative accessories…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 12
Jan 12 2014 ·0Today’s painting is a bit abstract and depicts a row of yellow Parisian subway seats. I was inspired by a book I received for Christmas from my daughter Emily, Paris in Color.

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 11
Jan 11 2014 ·0This one is from my archives. I was working on one with eclipses and was just not satisfied with how it was going. I didn’t want to post a painting that I was not happy with. Let’s see what tomorrow brings after a long, good nights sleep.