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A Poem & A Painting: Rose Flower Crown
Aug 08 2016 ·0I enjoyed a delightful string of days vacationing on Nantucket last week. There’s nothing like spending quality time with dear friends you’ve had for years! Since I returned I’ve made time to be in my studio, painting. I do so enjoy the process and the challenge. In fact, I’m thinking about participating in another Leslie Saeta 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge starting on September 1st. I’ve completed several of Leslie’s “30 in 30” painting challenges, including one in January of this year. If I do decide to sign up, I always like to pick a theme for my 30 paintings. Past themes have included Interiors and Colors. I am considering “Faces” for the September challenge. And on that note, this week’s painting & poem (or quote as the case may be…)

A Poem & A Painting: A Daisy Crown for Daisy
Aug 01 2016 ·0This week’s painting is a special one ~ perhaps you can tell from the title. The latest challenge for Girls Just Wanna Paint was Daisies. It was so sweet of these artist to pick something near and dear to my heart. I am so thankful for their prayers, love and support! I chose to do a Daisy crown. When I was a girl, my Mom made made me a crown out of Lily of the Valley for my birthday. When I wore it I felt regal. I carried on this tradition by making dandelion crowns for my Em (we had an abundance of them in our grass..). Now I am blessed to be able to make Daisy crowns for
my granddaughter Daisy.

A Poem & A Painting: Queen of the Day
Nov 30 2015 ·0My dear friend Sandy Welch creates the most endearing lamb paintings. Lambs are certainly an enchanting subject. Inspired in part by Sandy, I’ve tried my hand at lamb paintings. I adore how this one I painted earlier this year, With A Fleece As White As Snow, turned out. This week’s lamb painting is a bit more whimsical with a touch of glam with her gold gilt crown. I just love the sentiment behind this week’s poem (quote) as well. I can just imagine what this Queen of the Day is thinking…

A Poem & A Painting: Crowned Bird No. 3
Nov 10 2014 ·0Today I have the latest in my series of paintings inspired by a set of dessert plates I recently purchased. I’m finding this week’s poem excerpt particularly appropriate as a new week begins…

A Poem & A Painting: Crowned Bird No. 2
Nov 03 2014 ·0Continuing with my series of paintings inspired by a set of dessert plates, this week features another gilded crown bird.
Instead of a poem, I’ve selected a bird related quote with beautiful imagery and seasonal timeliness…

A Poem & A Painting: Crowned Bird No. 1
Oct 27 2014 ·0This week’s painting was inspired by none other than dish ware! I purchased four dessert plates and the next thing I know I am painting the birds and gilding their crowns! Indeed, this is the first in a series of paintings.
I loved this snippet from the Carl Sandburg poem Purple Martins and thought it went well with the painting…

Pamela’s Posh Picks: Birthday Crowns and Cakes
May 23 2013 ·2It just might be my birthday week, time for a fun edition of Pamela’s Posh Picks. Yes, I’m 30 again this week! What makes you feel more like a queen than a Birthday Crown? And really, what’s a birthday celebration without cake?? Come take a peek at this week’s Posh Picks, Birthday Crowns and Cakes…