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Caught My Eye, Volume 21
Aug 08 2014 ·0Here are a few of the things that Caught My Eye this week…

The Fab Five: ASID New England Honorees
Jul 24 2014 ·0My goal in life has always been to be fab at something (he he), so happy to be part of the ‘Fab Five” of ASID New England Gala Honorees! The Gala was highlighted in the latest issue of Design Community, the ASID New England Chapter Magazine…

Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams Celebrate 25 Years Young in Boston
Apr 30 2014 ·0Mitchell Gold and Bob Williams were at their Signature Store in Boston last Friday night for a party to celebrate 25 years in the furniture business. What wonderful years they have been!

Well, Isn’t That Clever… Storage!
Apr 29 2014 ·0While touring the design shows with BlogTour Milan, I was introduced to Clever Storage US by Kesseböhmer. Clever Storage designs and manufactures high-end, innovative organization and storage pieces for the entire home. As it turned out, Clever Storage wasn’t new to me at all. I was actually quite familiar with their products but didn’t realize it because they’d been wearing a disguise…

Boston Strong
Apr 21 2014 ·0Today we celebrate Patriot’s Day here in Massachusetts with the 118th running of the Boston Marathon. After the tragedy that took place at last year’s race, the eyes of the world are on Boston. With heightened security and more importantly, heightened resolve, over 36,000 participants will run this year’s race. It’s been an emotional week leading up to the race and I think everyone is ready to show that the city is indeed #BostonStrong!

Best Of Posh Palettes: Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams in Boston
Apr 08 2014 ·0This week while I’m in Italy for BlogTour Milan (#BlogTourMilan and@pamelacopeman on Twitter), I’m reposting some of my favorite and most popular posts from the past. I picked this post in part because Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams is celebrating their 25th Anniversary this year ~ quite an accomplishment! I hope you enjoy!
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams is a classic modern furniture company offering upholstery, case goods, lighting, carpets and accessories designed to make people feel comfortable. It is a jewel of a company, forward in thinking and design. Not only are they responsible for an amazing product line, the company is also involved in community advocacy and supports many grass roots and national non-profit groups.

2014 ASID New England Awards Gala
Apr 01 2014 ·1Oh what a night! The night of this year’s ASID New England Gala was a night that fairy tales are made of, truly! It was a warm and sunny evening in Boston (that alone was cause for celebration!) and everyone was dressed in their finery. The annual event was held at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel to applaud outstanding design for everyone.
My day was filled with friends and family and I have to share with you how very special I felt.

Caught My Eye, Volume 5
Mar 26 2014 ·1Once again, the calendar says Spring but the swirling wind and whipping, albeit light, snow outside says differently! How about some inspiring links to take our minds of the not-so-inspiring weather? Here’s what caught my eye this week…

Tilton Fenwick Fabrics for Duralee
Mar 18 2014 ·0Last week at the Boston Design Center, Duralee introduced the new fabric line by Tilton Fenwick. The two women behind these glorious prints are Anne Maxwell Foster and Suysel dePedro Cunningham. They are partners who do everything together including maternity (even when only Anne had the baby)!

Ignite the Nite 2014
Mar 04 2014 ·0Last week Boston GLOW held their annual Ignite the Nite Gala to raise funds in support of aspiring girl leaders from Boston’s most under-resourced schools. I had a wonderful time socializing, admiring (and bidding on) great items in the silent auction, noshing on delicious food, and of course, dancing! Enjoy a few photos of the event taken by Courtney Perkins Ryan of Lens Cap Productions and Mike Johnson of…

Posh Peek: A Look Inside My Day with Pamela Copeman
Feb 18 2014 ·1As 2014 rolls along, I am so excited to present the latest new feature on the Posh Palettes blog ~ Posh Peek! In this new feature, we will be giving you a ‘Posh Peek’ into the day of a different creative professional each month. On the agenda so far (fingers crossed): interior designers, bloggers, an artist, a chef, a personal trainer and a life coach. We hope to spotlight their various activities during a typical professional day ~ along with a few background and “curious” questions a la James Lipton from Inside the Actor’s Studio. To kick things off I thought it only fitting that I let you have a peek inside my day. Here we go!…

ASID New England Honoree!
Feb 13 2014 ·0I am thrilled to share that I am among the Honorees selected by the ASID New England Chapter for 2014!

Pamela’s Posh Gift Guide: For the Greater Good
Dec 20 2013 ·1Do you still have last minute shopping to do? Today’s Posh Gift Guide features picks that will not only honor the recipient, but also help others. Let’s take a peek…

Furn & Co
Nov 13 2013 ·0This past week I attended a seminar at Furn & Co. at the Boston Design Center. Before the presentation started, I took a self-guided tour around the showroom and fell “head over heels” with every nook, corner and display in the store. It is maaaahvelous!
Furn & Co is a multiline showroom featuring textiles, wallcoverings, furniture, lighting, and accessories from around the world. Most of the pieces can be customized just for you and the decorative pieces can be taken home immediately!
“Furn & Co is able to…bring artistic expression into a room that melds the mind with the art”. Come and take a peek…

The Look at Boston Design Center
Oct 09 2013 ·3The annual The Look event was held last week at the Boston Design Center. This is one of the most exciting days of the entire year at the BDC where new trends and products in interior design and color are highlighted in a day full of special events and speakers. The vibe is very similar to the Fashion Week that Boston just celebrated.
To start the day off right, I was invited to Club 342 for Bubbles and Breakfast. It was a true feast that made the 1-1/2 hour commute in traffic worth every minute! What better way to begin the day than with a mimosa~ and these yummy choices…

What’s Traditional Now?
Sep 18 2013 ·1Last week I attended a seminar at the Boston Design Center featuring Krissa Rossbund , Senior Style Editor at Traditional Home Magazine with special guest Estelle Bond Guralnick, the Boston Regional Editor.

Freshen Your Nest & Get Ready for the Holiday Season with our Interior Design Services!
Sep 10 2013 ·0Christmas and the Holiday Season will be upon the South Shore before you know it!
Are you hosting the holidays in your home this year? Do you have projects in your home that you put off over the Summer months? Fall is upon us and now is the time to get things done! Does it feel overwhelming? No worries, Pamela Copeman Design Group is ready to assist you with all of your design needs!

South Shore Oceanside Penthouse: A Trip to the Boston Design Center
Aug 28 2013 ·2It’s time for an update to the Penthouse interior design project I introduced you to last month! To date, I’ve shared the space in its ‘Before’ state, you can refresh your memory here. The next step in this Penthouse interior design project was to visit the Boston Design Center with my client. In preparation for this trip, I always pre-shop the showrooms ahead of time. This allows me to select the best furniture and accessory choices for our design, set up appointments with my representatives and have some fabric samples ready for my presentation. This way the client can more easily envision the finished space and our visit is focused and efficient.

South Shore Interior Designer: Oceanside Penthouse Project
Jul 30 2013 ·1I’m so excited to be able to share with you a new interior design project that I am working on. The setting is a stunning oceanside penthouse space with incredible views. My client is a gentleman whose taste is both masculine and sophisticated. He works in the hotel industry and has owned quite a few homes which has certainly influenced his sense of style. It has been a delight to collaborate with him.
While the space is gorgeous, it is not without challenges. For example, vaulted ceilings and large expanses of windows are beautiful, but how to effectively incorporate them into a posh interior design? Today I’m sharing the preview (before) photos of the space and you’ll see what I mean…

Posh Pinterest Board of the Week: Bathrooms
Jul 22 2013 ·1After last week’s whirlwind reunion of the Brizo Blogger19 in Memphis, I definitely have faucets on the brain! As such, this week’s Posh Pinterest board belongs to a dear friend and client, Gina Vita. Gina is currently spearheading a huge renovation to her home, including the Master Bathroom. She put together a beautiful Pinterest board full of bright, clean-lined design inspiration. Come take a peek at some of my favorite pins from Gina’s Bathrooms board…