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A Poem & A Painting: Lovebirds
Sep 26 2016 ·0Here we are, the last few days of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge! In some ways the time has flown by, in other ways it seems as if this month as been endless. I’ve been busy with Interior Design projects, travel, painting (for this challenge and an upcoming exhibit!), and putting the finishing touches on the new Pamela Copeman Art website. I can’t wait to share! In the meantime, today’s painting features one of my favorite subjects ~ birds. What’s more sweet than Lovebirds…

A Poem & A Painting: Signs of Spring
Feb 29 2016 ·0Happy Leap Day! Spring is in the air around here today and the temperature is forecast to be nearly 60 degrees ~ so welcome, especially after last year’s harsh winter…

A Poem & A Painting: Kaleidoscope Eyes
Jan 25 2016 ·0This is the final week of my January painting challenge and as I’ve been exploring the color wheel with my paintings, this poem, Kaleidoscope Eyes, truly struck a chord with me. I hope you enjoy it as well…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 23, Technicolor Nest
Jan 24 2016 ·0I’m still having a bit of difficulty painting due to my wrist surgery but I am determined to create 30 Paintings in 30 Days. Only 7 Days to go! Please let me know what you think so far and if there’s anything special you’d like to see me paint…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 17, Orange Baltimore Oriole
Jan 17 2016 ·0It’s snowing outside but I’m thinking of Spring…

Pamela’s Posh Picks: Prints
Feb 21 2014 ·0Snow, rain, sleet ~ seems we’ve had it all in just this past week! I am ready for Winter to be over! While I can’t change the calendar, perhaps I can help coax along Mother Nature with this week’s Posh Picks: bright and colorful PRINT fabrics that beckon Spring. I’m thinking Birds and Blooms, even if it’s only on fabric at this point! Here are my Posh Picks for Prints…