Stop The Madness
Nov 02 2015 · 0 comments · A Poem & A Painting ·0
Instead of my usual Monday ‘A Poem & A Painting’ post, today I’m sharing my work for the latest Girls Just Wanna Paint challenge. As you may know, the Girls Just Wanna Paint group (GJWP) is comprised of several “local woman artists who challenge themselves each month with an object or idea that they incorporate into a painting. We post the paintings on the first day of every month, and invite your comments. We meet the first week of every month, to view each others’ work in person, enjoy some great food and wine, and decide what the next month’s subject will be.”
In a slight deviation from our usual fare, October’s theme was Guns. Rarely do I paint with a political message, but the horrors caused by mentally ill shooters in this country and beyond are just too scary to ignore. I hope this mixed media piece will make you think and perhaps say a prayer for those who have lost their lives to gun violence.

Stop The Madness, mixed media with acrylics
“I offer you peace.
I offer you love.
I offer you friendship.
I see your beauty.
I hear your need.
I feel your feelings.
My wisdom flows from the highest Source.
I salute that Source in you.
Let us work together. For unity and peace.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Please visit the Girls Just Wanna Paint blog to see the other entries for this month’s challenge.