Designhounds KBIS 2019 Report: KBIS
Mar 15 2019 · 0 comments · Design Events, Special Events, Vendors ·0
It’s hard to believe this is my final recap from this year’s KBIS show in Las Vegas! As part of the Designhounds group we were fortunate to work with so many wonderful sponsors ~ be sure to check out my previous posts featuring Thermador & Caesarstone, Lamps Plus & Thompson Traders, and Wellborn Cabinet & Mr. Steam. Today’s featured sponsor is KBIS! Yes, the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show!

Designhounds KBIS 2019 Report: Wellborn & MrSteam
Mar 12 2019 · 0 comments · Design Events, Special Events, Vendors ·0
In this report from the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show, I will be highlighting two more of our generous Designhounds 2019 sponsors, Wellborn Cabinet and Mr. Steam. I learned something new about both these repeat sponsors and was so impressed with their latest offerings!

Designhounds KBIS 2019 Report: Lamps Plus & Thompson Traders
Mar 09 2019 · 0 comments · BlogTour KBIS, Special Events, Vendors ·1
In this report from the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show, I will be highlighting two more of our generous Designhounds 2019 sponsors, Lamps Plus and Thompson Traders.
While I was familiar with Lamps Plus before KBIS, I learned a lot about their product lines and just what they mean by ‘Plus’! Thompson Traders is one of my favorite vendors, I’ve long admired not only the exquisite craftsmanship of their products but even more so the story and warmth of their family.

Designhounds KBIS 2019 Report: Thermador & Caesarstone
Mar 05 2019 · 0 comments · BlogTour KBIS, Special Events, Vendors ·0
Welcome to the first of my blog posts reporting all the latest and greatest from KBIS (Kitchen and Bath Industry Show) 2019 in Las Vegas! I was so fortunate to attend with the Modenus Designhounds group, on a trip provided by our generous sponsors. Today I am featuring our sponsors Thermador and Caesarstone.

5 Ideas from the Heading Home To Dinner Event to Incorporate Into Your Holiday Tablescape
Oct 24 2018 · 0 comments · Design Events, Food & Drink ·0
Once again, the Heading Home to Dinner event at Boston Design Week was a huge success. In just the 2nd year, we raised $111,000! These funds will pay a year’s rent for four families ~ yippee! This was also my 2nd year designing for the event and I cannot wait for next year. In the meantime, take a peek at some of the amazing tabletop and bar cart designs from this year’s event and a few ideas I spotted that you can easily incorporate into your own holiday tablescape…

Best Summer Container Garden Tips
Jun 06 2018 · 1 comment · Flowers and Gardening, Inspiration ·3
Do you love container gardens? I’ve always enjoyed selecting colorful and unique plant combinations for containers, even when I had a larger yard. Now that my deck is my only outdoor space, my container gardens have become even more of a focal point.

Vietnam Travel Journal: Lacquerware Studio Visit
Apr 22 2018 · 1 comment · Travel ·0
My trip to Vietnam was spectacular on so many levels. I loved the food, the landscape, and the sweet, soft spoken people. That I got to hug my son everyday while I was there was the best of all. Over a series of Travel Journal blog posts, I hope to share some of the highlights of this life changing trip. For my first post, a visit to a lacquerware studio…
During one of my tours of Hanoi, I visited Thu Huong Lacquer Arts.

Happy 2nd Birthday Daisy
Apr 20 2018 · 1 comment · Personal ·1
Today is my granddaughter Daisy’s 2nd birthday. My daughter Emily wrote a birthday letter to Daisy and I was so touched that I decided to write one as well…
Dearest Daisy,
This has been your first complete year with no medical challenges, just growing and having fun. I am so grateful for the fun times I was a part of with you this year.

A Peek Into The Process of a Large Interior Design Project: South Boston Urban Nest
Jan 12 2018 · 0 comments · Behind the Design, My Designs ·0
Late last year I began working with clients on a large scale Interior Design project at their condo in South Boston. I thought it would be fun to give you a peek behind the process of how I design and scheme for a large scale project. My process is actually very similar for any size project, depending on the scope and number of spaces we are working with there are more “moving parts” to coordinate in a larger project.
In this post I will detail the initial phases of this large Interior Design project. My intention is to post periodically as the project progresses, giving you a “behind the scenes” look at how everything comes together.

Stunning South Shore Home With Contemporary Flair
Dec 14 2017 · 2 comments · Design Elements, My Designs ·1
I am so excited to share this project ~ a stunning South Shore home featuring a limited color palette and lots of dramatic elements. As you can imagine, this project offered new challenges for me due in large part to the color scheme ~ heavy doses of neutrals paired with varying shades of black, dark charcoal and a more burgundy black! My client had a definite vision for what she wanted the end result to be. Coupled with her experience designing a restaurant and love of all kinds of art, the stage was set for a beautiful collaboration between us. Let’s take a peek inside…

A Few Favorites from the Heading Home To Dinner Tablescapes
Nov 15 2017 · 0 comments · Design Events ·0
It’s hard to believe it’s already been a month since the inaugural Heading Home to Dinner Event at the Boston Design Center. The fundraising goal for the first year of HH2D was $25,000. After a hugely successful three days of events, I am happy to report that $100,000 was raised for Heading Home, an organization dedicated to ending family homelessness in Greater Boston. I am so proud to have been part of this event and blown away by the generosity of the community! I can’t wait to see what year 2 will look like!
Heading Home To Dinner not only raised awareness and funds but also served to unify the Boston design community and give us a forum to meet and collaborate with other designers. What a wonderful opportunity and experience it was. All of the table designs and bar carts were incredible, representing hours of planning and set-up. While there are plenty of recaps of the entire event (my friend Linda Holt has a great one here), I wanted to highlight a few of my favorite tables from the event…

Behind The Design: My Monet at Giverny Inspired Table for Heading Home To Dinner
Oct 24 2017 · 4 comments · Behind the Design, Community Service, Design Events, Inspiration ·0
For the last several months I’ve been planning and gathering materials for my table design at the inaugural Heading Home To Dinner event at the Boston Design Center. I’ve dropped several hints and posted some sneak peeks on Instagram of my inspiration and design. Now I am thrilled to share the completed design along with some of the fabulous people that helped bring everything together.

Barcelona Travel Journal, Part 2
Oct 05 2017 · 0 comments · Travel ·0
One blog post is just not enough to share my recent trip to Barcelona ~so here go with Part 2!
(if you need to catch up, you can read my Barcelona Travel Journal, Part 1, here)
I’ve always found that some of the best sightseeing can be had walking the streets of neighborhoods. This has held true in most places I’ve traveled to, and once again in Barcelona.

Barcelona Travel Journal, Part 1
Sep 19 2017 · 1 comment · Artists, Personal, Travel ·1
Another one of my travel dreams came true recently when I visited Barcelona in August. A trip to Barcelona has been on my bucket list for years and making the five day trip with friends was wonderful. We saw and experienced so many aspects of this beautiful city and culture, what an inspiring trip!

Modernizing and Customizing Furniture: A Cinderella Story
Jul 26 2017 · 4 comments · Design Elements, Inspiration, My Designs ·0
I have always been a sucker for a Cinderella story, the before and after is just such a dream.
Today I am sharing three furniture customizations in the hopes of encouraging you to take a fresh look at a piece of furniture you may have that has “good bones” but just doesn’t fit your current style. Whether the furniture is from an antique shop, a church fair, or an item you inherited, I encourage you to look beyond the current color, fabric, and/or wood finish. By changing different elements of a piece of furniture, you can modernize and customize it to create a true conversational piece for your home.

5 Reasons To Work With Pamela Copeman On Your Next Interior Design Project
Jun 01 2017 · 0 comments · Behind the Design, Design Elements, My Designs ·0
Tackling an interior design project in your home can be daunting. Even with the smallest projects there are a myriad of details to keep track of and decisions to be made. If you haven’t worked with one before, you may not realize that there can be big advantages to collaborating with an Interior Designer. With that in mind, here are 5 advantages to working with an Interior Designer like ME!

10 Tips to Get Your Home Ready for Summer
May 08 2017 · 0 comments · Design Elements, Inspiration ·0
The sun has finally arrived in New England and it seems like overnight the trees have that citron shade of green baby leaves appearing ~ hooray! Now that the weather has finally turned a corner, it feels like it’s time to shed the heavy layers that make our homes cozy in the Winter months and lighten and brighten our interiors in preparation for the glorious days of Summer. Here are 10 Tips to get your home ready for Summer…

Design Refresh: Black Rock Bathroom
Feb 20 2017 · 0 comments · Design Elements, My Designs ·0
Recently I was invited to assist a dear friend and client with freshening up a petite Powder Room in her home. The Powder Room is located near the front entry, directly off a spacious, open Entry Hall. The Entry Hall opens to several other spaces as well ~ all of which are beautifully designed with timeless neutrals and a vibrant mix of textiles and artwork. My client decided the Powder Room needed a touch of pizazz and called on me to help her select and have installed a wall covering. Perfect!

BlogTour KBIS 2017: Wow from Wilsonart
Feb 03 2017 · 0 comments · BlogTour KBIS ·0
BlogTour KBIS sponsor Wilsonart is a world leader in engineered surfaces. Whether you’re looking for laminate, quartz, or anything in between, Wilsonart has a beautiful, durable surface to fit your needs. This is the second time I have explored a Wilsonart exhibit at the KBIS Show. Once again I was amazed by their latest engineered surfaces which always feature a “Wow” element.

BlogTourKBIS 2017: All Is Well With Wellborn Cabinetry
Feb 02 2017 · 0 comments · BlogTour KBIS ·0
Wellborn Cabinet is a family owned (3 generations!) company offering finely crafted kitchen and bath cabinets designed to help you maximize your total home living space. As visitors to the KBIS show with BlogTour KBIS, we were among the first to see Wellborn’s latest offerings: Aspire Cabinetry, their new Full Access Frameless line.