Pamela’s Posh Picks: Shiny, Sparkly Hearts
Feb 07 2014 · 0 comments · Holiday, Posh Picks ·0
After an extended break, my Pamela’s Posh Picks feature has returned! Just in time for Valentine’s Day, this week’s selections feature the ultimate symbol of love…with a Posh twist of course. Here are my Posh Picks for Shiny, Sparkly Hearts!
Pink & Red Mercury Glass Heart ornaments:

via eBay
Glitter Heart Valentine Pillow

via High on DIY
Heart Shoe Clips

Valentine “biscuits” (a.k.a. sugar cookies)
Heart-shaped Garnet & Diamond Pendant

via: blue nile
So many shiny, sparkly ways to show your love this Valentine’s Day! Which will you choose??