
Vietnam Travel Journal: Lacquerware Studio Visit
Apr 22 2018 ·0My trip to Vietnam was spectacular on so many levels. I loved the food, the landscape, and the sweet, soft spoken people. That I got to hug my son everyday while I was there was the best of all. Over a series of Travel Journal blog posts, I hope to share some of the highlights of this life changing trip. For my first post, a visit to a lacquerware studio…
During one of my tours of Hanoi, I visited Thu Huong Lacquer Arts.

Barcelona Travel Journal, Part 2
Oct 05 2017 ·0One blog post is just not enough to share my recent trip to Barcelona ~so here go with Part 2!
(if you need to catch up, you can read my Barcelona Travel Journal, Part 1, here)
I’ve always found that some of the best sightseeing can be had walking the streets of neighborhoods. This has held true in most places I’ve traveled to, and once again in Barcelona.

Barcelona Travel Journal, Part 1
Sep 19 2017 ·1Another one of my travel dreams came true recently when I visited Barcelona in August. A trip to Barcelona has been on my bucket list for years and making the five day trip with friends was wonderful. We saw and experienced so many aspects of this beautiful city and culture, what an inspiring trip!

The Envoy Hotel: A Boston Waterfront Luxury Hotel Experience
Oct 21 2016 ·0During the whirlwind that was the Boston Design Market and the opening of my art exhibit at the FDO Group showroom, I opted to simply things a bit and I booked myself a hotel room for two nights at the Envoy Hotel in the Seaport District of Boston. What a treat it was! Not only is this boutique property (part of the Autograph Collection by Marriott) luxurious and well-located, it is a treat for Interior Designers and design lovers alike. Come and take a peek with me…

A Visit to the Offices of Atlanta Interior Designers Kandrac & Kole
Apr 02 2016 ·0I’ve always loved being an Interior Designer. Little did I know when I started Posh Palettes, my Interior Design blog, all of the wonderful opportunities that would present themselves. One (well actually, two) of the most exciting results of writing this blog has been being invited to attend BlogTour Modenus ~ first to Italy, then to Las Vegas. Veronika and her team organized amazing trips and we took in endless inspiration from both our travels and exhibits and events featuring top notch vendors in the design field. However I think the greatest gift I took away from BlogTour was the friendships that were forged walking the ancient streets of Venice & Milan. Two of my best (and most talented) friends from BlogTour are Joann Kandrac and Kelly Kole of Kandrac & Kole Interiors.

The Art of Tuscany
Nov 11 2015 ·0Italy is an Artist’s Paradise and the Tuscany region in particular is replete with outstanding works of art, both modern and classic. Art is everywhere in this region, and when I visited in September I was on sensory overload ~ between the architecture, the views of quilt-like vineyards, and the museum art my heart was a flutter.
Come take a peek at some of the varied and beautiful art I encountered during my September trip…

Under the Tuscan Sun: Our Villa
Sep 30 2015 ·0If you follow me on Instagram (you should!), you may already know that last week I had the opportunity to travel to Tuscany along with 11 other women to celebrate a dear friend’s birthday (yes, one of the big ones, shhhh!) No, it wasn’t Cheaper by the Dozen, but it was a lot more fun!
We rented a villa just outside of Sienna. The cost was surprisingly reasonable when split 12 ways. Even better than the affordability factor was the villa itself. It was a breathtaking home with plenty of bedrooms and bathrooms ~ must when a dozen women are sharing a space for a week. The setting was right out of the movies. The villa design was light and airy and grounded by a large harvest table with a marble top in the Kitchen which we gathered around for late night conversation and a sip (or 2…) of Limoncello.
Come take a peek of a week that has etched memories on my heart…

A Poem & A Painting: Travel to Tuscany
Sep 28 2015 ·0I’ve just returned from an amazing trip to Tuscany filled with wonderful friends and memories that I will carry in my heart forever. There’s so much to see in Tuscany, a beautiful vista or stunning tableau seemingly wherever you turn. I found myself so inspired, taking photos, sketching, and using my travel watercolors to jot down my impressions.
I love this quote and how it fits with this week’s paintings…

Pike Place Market
Aug 19 2015 ·0My quick trip to Seattle in July was filled with so much amazing sightseeing, including the incredible Chihuly Garden & Glass exhibit. Perhaps my 2nd favorite spot we visited was Pike Place Market. Known as “Seattle’s epicenter of fresh produce, specialty foods and independent businesses”, Pike Place is the 33rd most visited attraction in the world!
Pike Place Market is one of the oldest continuously operated markets in the country. With a divine location right on the Elliott Bay waterfront, the Public Market opened in 1907 with the mission to have the “consumer meet the producer”.

Chihuly Garden and Glass in Seattle
Jul 29 2015 ·0As you may know if you follow me on Instagram (you should!), I was recently in Seattle for a few days with my son. If you’re a follower of my blog, you probably also know that I am a huge fan of Dale Chihuly, the legendary and innovative glass artist. I have written about my admiration of Chihuly’s work several times in the past (read here, here) including my visit to his grand installation at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston a few years ago.
Naturally when I knew I would be in Seattle, home of the Chihuly Garden and Glass exhibit, I knew it would be one of our first stops. The entire installation was stunning and did not disappoint! Come take a peek at some of my favorite photos from our visit…

Philadelphia Flower Show, Part 2
Mar 05 2015 ·0{Read about Part 1 of my visit to the Philadelphia Flower Show here}
Continuing on with our visit to the 2015 Philadelphia Flower Show, I adored this next category. The challenge was to create a piece of jewelry from organic materials (Things found in your yard? Not in my backyard!).
My friend Sarah Boynton, representing the Hingham Garden Club, made this piece…it was magnificent!

The Philadelphia Flower Show, Part 1
Mar 04 2015 ·0For Christmas, my daughter Emily gifted me with a trip to Philadelphia to visit the world famous Philadelphia Flower Show. This past weekend it was finally time to go!

5 Favorite Posts from 2014
Dec 29 2014 ·0I’m still enjoying the holiday break with family and friends (hello, NYC and Broadway!) but wanted to pop in here to revisit a few of my favorite posts from 2014. It was another whirlwind year for Pamela Copeman Design Group, with projects and opportunities I never could have imagined…
Here are 5 of my favorite posts from 2014, in no particular order…

The Breathtaking Murals of Philadelphia
Oct 29 2014 ·0I recently visited my daughter and her fiancé in their new hometown of Philadelphia. I had only traveled there once many, many years ago. I have to admit I was a bit determined to dislike everything about this city. After all, my best girl Emily is living there and not here at home in Boston.
Being a woman who is on the path to self realization, I can admit when I am wrong (well, sometimes)…This is one situation where I will admit I was wrong! I fell “head over heels” with the City of Brotherly Love!

Caught My Eye, Nantucket Edition
Oct 10 2014 ·0This week I was fortunate enough to spend a few days on Nantucket with some of my oldest and dearest friends. Even in the “off-season”, there is so much to see and do on the island! Here are a few things that Caught My Eye during my latest trip to Nantucket…

A Perfect, Design-Filled Maine Vacation: Goose Rocks Beach
Aug 13 2014 ·0This year my family and I took a nostalgic vacation back to Goose Rocks Beach in Maine. Goose Rocks Beach consists of 3 miles of white sand and is considered part of Kennebunkport, although it is about 5 miles outside the center of town. There is an offshore barrier reef, visible at low tide, that helps protect the beach and beautiful sand.
We traveled to Goose Rocks for many years when my children were young. We rented a cottage on the beach ~ or a block or two away depending on the financial luck of a particular year. I always described this area as like stepping into an old time novel. There was one small 2 lane road where the cars went about 20 miles an hour tops. The General Store at the end of the road sells plump blueberry muffins alongside wine and blow up rafts and the New York Times. The only activities were walking the beach, swimming, blowing bubbles and going to the “moon fly” dance at night (Emily made that up for our walks). Most of the people on the beach were families with umbrellas, coolers and children. We spent many wonderful days on that beach…

The Faces of Guatemala 2014, Part 2
Jul 29 2014 ·0As promised, albeit a week late, more faces from my Guatemala Mission Trip: the people in our village, as well as our hard working and dedicated team…

Faces of Guatemala 2014, Part 1
Jul 16 2014 ·0In one respect at least this year was no different from last year in Guatemala; I was drawn to the faces of not only the children and the women of the village but also the beautiful hard working faces of our team. When I returned home and reviewed my photos, I found I have dozens of beautiful smiles and dark eyes, some with turned up corners, some more serious. I hope to do a series of paintings ~ The Faces that Touched my Heart. Stay tuned! For today, I wanted to share some of the precious Faces of Guatemala 2014…

The Steps I Took: Guatemala 2014, Part 2
Jul 09 2014 ·0Continuing on with the story of my trip to Guatemala this year…
Back on site, we are getting there~

The Steps I Took: Guatemala 2014, Part 1
Jul 08 2014 ·0“Never doubt that a small group of concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
~Margaret Mead
My experience in Guatemala last year was so profound, that I decided to volunteer again this year with Team Kelly Kole through Catalyst Resources International. I really wasn’t sure what I would take away this year. Certainly, I knew more of what to expect as far as the conditions, the food and the poverty. What I didn’t expect was all of the questions I had about the future of the children, the education of young women and the corruption in the government.
As best I could, I’ve tried to convey my experiences and feelings about this year’s trip through my words and pictures. Lots of pictures…