30 Paintings in 30 Days

A Poem & A Painting: Lovebirds
Sep 26 2016 ·0Here we are, the last few days of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge! In some ways the time has flown by, in other ways it seems as if this month as been endless. I’ve been busy with Interior Design projects, travel, painting (for this challenge and an upcoming exhibit!), and putting the finishing touches on the new Pamela Copeman Art website. I can’t wait to share! In the meantime, today’s painting features one of my favorite subjects ~ birds. What’s more sweet than Lovebirds…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Days 10-18
Sep 20 2016 ·0Time for an update to the #30paintingsin30days challenge that I am participating in for September. I’ve been posting each daily painting on my art account on Instagram (@pamelacopemanart). You can catch up by searching the hashtag #PCA30in30September2016. You can also check out each day’s entries for all of the artists who are participating in the challenge on Leslie Saeta’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days blog. This 2nd collage includes the paintings from Days 10-18 of this challenge…

A Poem & A Painting: I Could Kiss You…
Sep 19 2016 ·0Inspired by my granddaughter Daisy, I am introducing new subject matter line for my paintings. Children’s Paintings are a bit more whimsical and lighthearted while still featuring vibrant colors, sophistication, and my signature “Pamela Copeman Art” style. I recently completed the first painting in this series, a giraffe with a crown, as part of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge…

30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge: The First 9 Days
Sep 09 2016 ·0I hope you are following along with the #30paintingsin30days challenge I am participating in for September. I’ve been posting each daily painting on my art account on Instagram (@pamelacopemanart), You can catch up by searching the hashtag #PCA30in30September2016. Check out each day’s entries for all of the artists who are participating in the challenge on the 30 Paintings in 30 Days blog. Since I haven’t been sharing the paintings every day here on my blog, I thought I would post a few collages of the paintings as I go along. This collage includes the paintings from Days 1-9 of this challenge…

A Poem & A Painting: The Most Beautiful Home
Sep 06 2016 ·0Last week I visited Victoria, British Columbia. I’d never been before and I was enchanted with the beauty and charm of the area! Throughout this Summer I’ve been fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel, visit some amazing places, and stay in some beautiful homes (like the one in this week’s painting!). I am ever grateful to have made so many wonderful memories. By the same token, I am so happy to be home. It’s true what they say ~ there’s no place like home!

A Poem & A Painting: Bedside Sisters
May 02 2016 ·1I’ve had the most incredible weekend meeting my precious new granddaughter, Daisy. I am head over heels! I was inspired to create this week’s painting by a photograph that my daughter Emily posted when she was home on bedrest. Her two adorable pups made sure she was following doctor’s orders by placing their sweet heads on the edge of her bed and watching over her while she worked on her computer. They are sure to be wonderful big “sisters” for Daisy as she grows up!

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Reflections
Feb 01 2016 ·5I am so proud to say I have completed the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge for the 3rd time!

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 30(!), Daily Magic
Jan 30 2016 ·030 Paintings in 30 Days is always a challenge because “life” happens: wrist surgery, a hospitalized Mom, and design deadlines to name a few of this month’s “life” events. That being said, it gave me joy (and perhaps increased discipline) to paint everyday. I truly feel that the only way to improve at anything is to practice!
A still life make-up table painting is the finale to this current 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 29, Belly Up To The Bar, Boys
Jan 29 2016 ·0This painting was inspired by a recent cover of Design New England magazine. I was drawn to the striking orange seats (of course)…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 28, Reappearance Cardinal
Jan 28 2016 ·0This bird may or may not look familiar…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 27, Silver Bowl
Jan 27 2016 ·0I’m in the homestretch of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge. Phew! Today’s painting is another still life…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 26, Baby Shoes
Jan 26 2016 ·0I am so happy to share that my baby girl Emily is having her own baby girl in June! Congratulations Em & Nick!

30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 25: Goldilocks Etude Chair
Jan 25 2016 ·0I just love painting furniture, hmmmm, I wonder why? This painting was inspired by Kravet’s Etude chair. Isn’t it exquisite? I’m sure Goldilocks would love to sit here…

30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 24: Apple Green Pears
Jan 24 2016 ·0Can you guess my color theme for the final group of paintings?…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 23, Technicolor Nest
Jan 24 2016 ·0I’m still having a bit of difficulty painting due to my wrist surgery but I am determined to create 30 Paintings in 30 Days. Only 7 Days to go! Please let me know what you think so far and if there’s anything special you’d like to see me paint…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 20, Orange Chevron
Jan 22 2016 ·0Playing catch up with the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge ~ that’s what wrist surgery will do for you! I’m on the mend now though and looking forward to finishing strong. This painting is the last in my Orange series ~ of course it had to be an Interior!

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 22, Red Scarf
Jan 22 2016 ·0I’m still up in the air about the color theme for my last 10 paintings. What would you like to see? I’d love to hear! In the meantime…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 21, Yellow Apples
Jan 21 2016 ·0I’m still in recovery mode from wrist surgery so today’s painting is an “oldie but goodie”…

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 19, Orange Lips
Jan 19 2016 ·0What is it about girls and flower crowns…

A Poem & A Painting: Day 18, Met Ball Orange
Jan 18 2016 ·0I am so taken with the fashion at the Met Ball every year that I was inspired to paint Rihanna’s beautiful gown. I am not sure it translates as well without her radiant face and miles long leg but I love it nonetheless…