A Poem & A Painting: Sparkle
Mar 23 2015 · 0 comments · A Poem & A Painting ·1
The sun is shining and though it is very cold (20 degrees in March?!), the light is beautiful as it sparkles off the snow. That imagery is the basis for this week’s poem…
A Wondrous Glow
The suns golden rays
Glisten from a distance
Like diamonds that sparkle
In brilliance
Peeking through the blue celestial skies
As it slowly rises
A wondrous glow
And performing a luminous
Last week in my drawing class we sketched a still life composition that included cut glass (a candlestick and a decanter) backed by a silver platter ~ more sparkle!
I’ve been missing painting so I decided to do a painting of my drawing homework…

Sparkle by Pamela Copeman, 6″x6″, oil
What do you think, did I capture the sparkle?