What's Your Favorite Color?
Aug 07 2011 · 0 comments · Inspiration ·0
“The world is your kaleidoscope, and the varying combinations of colors which at every succeeding moment it presents to you are the exquisitely adjusted pictures of your ever-moving thoughts.”
~James Edward Allen
When my son was 5 years old I remember him asking my Mom, an artist, that age-old question: What’s your favorite color? Her answer? It is never brown but everyday it is different depending on the day. Sometimes red or blue or green, true Crayola colors.
That answer so resonated with me that I still use it myself. Truly, I see beauty in all colors and am fascinated by color everywhere I go. I find myself composing color palettes in gardens, museums and even retail stores.
During a recent trip to Anthropologie, I was delighted to be surrounded by a number of striking, colorful displays. Here are a few of my favorites to share with you!
Oh, yummy Anthropologie, thank you for your continued inspiration every time I visit! Just remember, inspiration and favorite colors are everywhere!