for January, 2015
BlogTour Vegas: Poggenpohl & the Art of Performance
Jan 30 2015 ·0Today I’d like to talk about Poggenpohl, one of our BlogTour Vegas sponsors. Poggenpohl was founded in 1892 in Germany and for more than 120 years, Poggenpohl “has continued to ‘improve the kitchen’, transforming it from a humble back room into a living space that’s at the heart of the home. Their pioneering history includes many firsts, including white lacquer kitchen furniture, ergonomic work-top heights, and the development of the kitchen island.”
Technical expertise, materials of the highest quality, meticulous craftsmanship and trend-setting design go into every Poggenpohl kitchen and I was quite intrigued to see their latest offerings at KBIS (Kitchen Bath Industry Show).
BlogTour Vegas: Thank You Modenus
Jan 29 2015 ·0As I sit here in the aftermath of the Blizzard of 2015, I am longing for the mild weather of Vegas that I experienced during BlogTour. This is the second time I had the privilege of attending a Modenus BlogTour and it is truly an honor to be exposed to the lastest and greatest products and to the talents of my fellow attendees.
Over the next two weeks, I will be sharing some of my favorite finds, most innovative trends, and memorable experiences from my BlogTour Vegas trip. It seems only fitting that my first post about BlogTour Vegas is about Modenus, the founding force behind BlogTour and the “brain child” of Veronika Miller.
Vine Video: I Love The Snow!
Jan 28 2015 ·0I Love Snow! xo
— Pamela Copeman (@pamelacopeman) January 28, 2015
A Poem & A Painting: Let It Snow
Jan 26 2015 ·0There’s nothing like a major blizzard to let me know I’m not in Las Vegas anymore! After the whirlwind that was BlogTour Vegas, being forced by Mother Nature to slow down and cozy up isn’t such a bad thing…as long as we don’t lose power. How could I not chose a ‘snowy’ poem for this week’s post…
Caught My Eye, Volume 42
Jan 23 2015 ·0I’m heading back to reality today from my amazing trip to Vegas with Modenus and BlogTour. Before I start sharing all the fabulousness from KBIS and beyond, here are a few of the (other) things that Caught My Eye this week…
Best of Posh Palettes: A New Chair for Goldilocks
Jan 21 2015 ·0While I’m away for BlogTour Vegas this week, I thought you might enjoy this post from way, way back (2011!) and my first “trade” trip to Las Vegas…
Goldilocks would definitely fall asleep in this FAB chair! It’s artful curve is comfortable and the Swarovski crystal tufts are glamorous against the poppy velvet. Such a conversation piece complete with lucite legs.
A Poem & A Painting: 3 Olives, Four
Jan 19 2015 ·0With BlogTour Vegas this week, my mission is to discover the latest in greatest in design and share my finds with you. We will primarily be attending the KBIS show and I find that Kitchens and Baths are two areas in particular where beautifully designed products must meet function. This quote from Steve Jobs sums up these sentiments perfectly…
Caught My Eye, Volume 41 ~ The Golden Globes
Jan 16 2015 ·0Red Carpet season is upon us! Here are a few things from the Golden Globes that Caught My Eye…
BlogTour Vegas, Here We Come!
Jan 15 2015 ·0In just a few short days I’ll be heading to Las Vegas with Modenus and the bloggers of BlogTour Vegas!
Rustic Alaskan Wilderness Meets Glam 50th Birthday Party
Jan 14 2015 ·0That title is a mouthful, isn’t it! Just wait until you see the party ~ pardon my phone pics, but trust me, it was gorgeous.
Over the holidays we attended a very special {BIG} Birthday Party. The Birthday Girl’s husband and her best friends surprised her with one of the most charming parties I have ever attended.
The location was tricky, there were about 50 guests and music was a necessity. The party had to have a theme, of course. Allow me to review the facts about the Birthday Girl:
A Poem & A Painting: Drawing Class
Jan 12 2015 ·0This winter I am taking a Drawing Class to help improve my paintings. This class is very structured and revolves around learning how to draw the four shapes on which everything in our environment is based. This is a much different way of thinking and planning my paintings than I am used to and the learning curve may be much steeper than I realized! This quote sums up my feelings on learning to draw perfectly…
Caught My Eye, Volume 40
Jan 09 2015 ·0I hope your new year is off to a fabulous start. I have been wonderfully busy with design projects, a drawing class, wedding planning with my daughter, and of course getting ready to head west for BlogTour Vegas. Phew! As busy as I’ve been, there’s still plenty that Caught My Eye this week. Come take a peek…
Designs for Top Knobs Challenge
Jan 05 2015 ·0One of my favorite parts of any Interior Design is the details ~ the small touches that add panache and personality to a space. And one of my favorite details is the hardware for cabinetry and furniture. The knobs, pulls, and other hardware are truly jewelry for the room!
You can imagine how thrilled I was to hear that not only was Top Knobs, purveyor of fine hardware for kitchens, baths and beyond, a sponsor of Modenus’ BlogTour Vegas, but they are also currently running a cabinet hardware design contest, the Top Knobs Challenge. Count me in!