2014 ASID New England Awards Gala
Apr 01 2014 · 2 comments · Design Events, Personal, Special Events ·1
Oh what a night! The night of this year’s ASID New England Gala was a night that fairy tales are made of, truly! It was a warm and sunny evening in Boston (that alone was cause for celebration!) and everyone was dressed in their finery. The annual event was held at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel to applaud outstanding design for everyone.
My day was filled with friends and family and I have to share with you how very special I felt. My sister, Kate, and I arrived at the hotel early to dress with my friends Tina, Connie and Gina. I was spoiled with flowers, gifts and champagne toasts while we munched on French Fries (yes, with ketchup). Everyone helped slip (okay, shove) me into my dress ~ yes it did take 3 to zip it up…
Could I really have gained weight during a week in which I consumer barely more than lemon water?? Oh yes, there are a lot of calories in lemon, I forgot! 😉
After successfully getting into my dress, it was time to head off to the beginning of the ball, the pre-party at Frette. It was grand and the champagne was flowing…

{source: Nate Photography}
During the pre-party, I got to chat with the Gala Co-Chair, Shalini Sookar. Shalini has been planning this event for each of the past 4 years and her experience shows in every perfect detail. Isn’t she beautiful?

{source: Nate Photography}
I was so thrilled to be part of this group of outstanding Honorees!

{source: Nate Photography}
2014 Honorees: Kim Deetjen, Rachael Pike, Moi, Eric Roseff and Kristen Rivoli
As the Gala cocktail party began we were invited to a “step and repeat” photo. Here I am with some of my besties~

{source: Nate Photography}
Connie, Paul, Tina, Moi, Emily, Gina and Kate
The photographer, Nate does a great job every year capturing everyone when we least expect it, even going down the stairs (trying not to trip)!

{source: Nate Photography}
There were so many thrills over the course of the evening, but one of the outstanding ones was our Mistress of Ceremonies… Grammy Award Winner Patti Austin! Here she is pictured with her dear friends: Dawn Carroll (Over My Shoulder Foundation) and John Trifone (Mitchell Gold). Love them!

{source: Nate Photography}
A view of the splendid and large ballroom with over 300 people…

{source: Nate Photography}
Yes, I did start to get nervous for my speech, EEEKKKK….
The BIG surprise of the night was the introduction Patti read for me. I was the first honoree (thank you alphabetical order!). She explained that this year they wanted a more personal approach so they contacted a friend or family member to provide some insight to the personality and “story” of each honoree. In my case they contacted my daughter, Emily, for my introduction. Patti Austin mentioned that my intro was a bit more lengthy but she loved it and she just couldn’t bear to edit it. Now I was really squirming in my seat and looking at my darling Miss Emily as she was winking at me…
Emily wrote a very personal, poignant and humorous piece about me. Everyone at my table alternated between tears and smiles. Patti delivered it with drama, humor and just the right pauses and flourishes. By the time I was approaching the podium I felt I could do no wrong. Thank you my Sweet, Sweet Daughter, you saved me…

{source: Nate Photography}
It was a night I will truly never forget. One evening that captured a 25 year career of great relationships with clients and industry partners, a professional life where I have loved going to work everyday to creatively tackle challenges, meet new people and made lifelong friends along the way.
Lest I sound like I’m retiring ~I am not done yet! I am still designing and also venturing even further into the blogosphere, social media and beyond! Oh the places I will go….thank you for your continued support and stay tuned!
Peggy English
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